IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatments for MEN.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatments for MEN.

IPL for men is a great solution for red or brown spots, broken capillaries and other pigmented lesions. These age spots appear as we age and are a sure giveaway that this isn’t your first trip around the golf course.

With Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology we’re able to selectively target the pigmented areas, bring that pigment to the surface, and then allow it to naturally slough away. The procedures are fast, easy, and well-tolerated.

With IPL for men, you’ll notice a significant difference within a week after your first treatment. If more lightening is needed additional treatments will do the trick. Many men undergo two to four laser spot removal treatments to achieve the results desired.

The cost of laser spot removal depends on the size of the area and the number of treatments.

Want to Know More?

Find out if IPL by The Men’s Grooming Salon for MEN is right for you. Schedule a complimentary consultation with our skincare specialist. We’ll assess your individual situation and discuss what results you can expect. Click Here Call or SMS us at 0415 237 494 or fill out the Contact Us Form.


Intense pulsed light (IPL) technology is a revolutionary, non-invasive technology that corrects a variety of benign (non-cancerous) skin problems. These skin problems include telangiectasia (broken capillaries that are small red or purplish vessels found on the face, upper chest and neck), rosacea and acne rosacea (large patches of redness on the face that cause excessive redness), photoaging (sun damage), lentigines (age spots, liver spots), freckles, nevi (moles), melasma (mask of pregnancy), light lines and wrinkles and skin texture. All of these skin conditions can be safely treated with intense pulsed light treatments.


If your hands are affected by age spots or liver spots, the IPL Photofacial is used to break up this pigment so the body can eliminate it. This laser seeks out darker pigment and fragments the pigment particles. As they are reduced to ultra-microscopic size, these dark pigment cells quickly surface and are both eliminated by the body’s clean up cells as well as by the natural turnover of epidermal tissue.

Your hands will need to be protected from future sun damage (the main culprit in all unwanted pigmentation) by regular use of sun protection. Persistent use of sunscreen is a necessary step, no matter what cosmetic procedure your choose.

Ideal Candidate for Intense Pulsed Light for Men
The ideal candidate for intense pulsed light is in general good health, practices good skin care, including the regular use of sunscreen and has reasonable expectations for the treatment.

Benefits of Intense Pulsed Light for Men
Intense pulsed light offers results to a variety of skin conditions including hyperpigmentation, age spots, broken capillaries, freckles, moles, rosacea and melasma. It is non-invasive and has no downtime.

Risks and Limitations to Intense Pulsed Light for Men
People who spend a lot of time in the sun may experience gradual recurrence of pigment, especially if they do not use adequate sunscreen. These can be retreated or touched up. Patients treated for melasma may require longer term management to maintain results.

There is no downtime for intense pulsed light procedures, however you will likely experience mild to moderate swelling and may have some bruising. Swelling and bruising may last 4-7 days.

Results of Intense Pulsed Light for Men and How Long Do They Last
Proper skin care and daily use of sunscreen is key to maintaining your intense pulsed light treatment results.

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